Sunday School Covenant

I, ___________ declare/reaffirm before God Almighty that I believe in the Doctrinal Statement as embodied in Article 5 of the Life Bible-Presbyterian Church Sunday School Constitution. And as a member of the Sunday School Staff, I will:

(1) endeavour so to live that my life shall be a helpful influence for Christ;

(2) give prayer, time and initiative to preparation of each lesson;

(3) be regular in attendance, allowing nothing to keep me from my class/post for any reason which I could not conscientiously give my Lord;

(4) give due notice to the General/Department Superintendent of enforced absence;

(5) be in my place on time, if not before time, for the Sunday School Session, setting an example for worship;

(6) visit my pupils when I can;

(7) get in touch with absent pupils as and when necessary or expedient;

(8) pray for my pupils;

(9) conscientiously attempt to improve my teaching and service in the Sunday School in every possible way;

(10) observe the rules of the Sunday School and attend all staff meetings regularly;

(11) strive for the harmony and unity of my Sunday School and shall attempt to further its work by every possible means;

(12) encourage other teachers and staff members in my humble service for the Lord;

(13) refrain from advancing in the Sunday School any denominational practices which are not in agreement with those of the Bible-Presbyterian Church.

Article 5 of Life Bible-Presbyterian Church Sunday School Constitution:
Doctrinal Basis

The Doctrinal Basis of the Sunday School shall be:

(1) The One Eternal God who manifests Himself to us in Three Persons.

(2) God the Father as Creator and Ruler of the Universe.

(3) The deity of Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His substitutionary atonement for sin, His physical resurrection, His imminent personal return.

(4) The personality and deity of the Holy Spirit.

(5) The necessity of the New Birth by the work of the Holy Spirit.

(6) The existence of the personal devil.

(7) The eternal blessedness of the righteous and the eternal punishment of the wicked.

(8) The divine origin and absolute dependability of the Bible in its entirely.

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  • 9A Gilstead Road Singapore 309063
  • Mailing Add: 10 Gilstead Road Singapore 309064