O Worship the LORD in the Beauty of Holiness


9.00 am

Call to Worship

Dn Russell Indran

Opening Hymn

Christ, the Lord, Is Risen Today (HGG 156)

+Invocation-Gloria Patri


Scripture Reading

Luke 24:1-12


Thine Be the Glory (HGG 162)


Infant Baptism & Reaffirmation of Faith

Rev Quek KK

Trust and Obey (HGG 525)

Adult Baptism & Transfer of  Membership

Rev Charles Seet Trust and Obey (HGG 525)

Choir Item

The Saviour of the World

Offertory Hymn

Lamb of God, Thou Now Art Seated (HGG 160)

Doxology & Prayer    
Pastoral Prayer    

The Road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35) by Rev Charles Seet 

Closing Hymn

He Lives! (HGG 169)







Growing up in a non-Christian household, naturally, I was not familiar with Christianity. 

I had been a free-thinker for most of my life, a staunch non-believer who rejected the attempts of others who tried to share the gospel with me. I was very adamant that my good deeds would attract blessings; regardless, I saw no need for a Saviour. 

Gradually, I became surrounded by more family and friends who are Christians. As a result, I was more exposed to Christ through attendance at church over the years. Still, I never thought to discuss or ask about God. I heard the sermons, but I was not listening; I was not open to receiving the word of God because deep down, I still questioned his existence. However, I continued to pray for God’s protection and blessings—based on my broad belief in the presence of a deity, who rewarded good people. I was hopeful, but my faith did not grow. 

I am unable to recall a specific time when my desire to learn about Christianity grew, yet I know that my interest to know God grows stronger by the day. One day, I even surprised a close friend of mine, who is a devout Christian when I started speaking about the Word of God. 

The Turning Point in My Life 

When my son shared about an upcoming catechism class, without hesitation, I expressed interest in participation. I then began reading and learning about the Christian faith and salvation through Jesus Christ. 

I still find it challenging to read the chapters of the Bible. Nevertheless, I will try my best to be a good testimony to my loved ones and those around me. 

At this point in my life, I can’t be certain whether I will be saved for my deeds on the Day of Judgement. However, I am ready and confident in the way to my salvation because of God’s grace. I am ready to receive Him as Lord and Saviour, to learn and apply God’s word. 

I know that my family and friends in LBPC will help me to grow spiritually, to encourage me to build my personal relationship with God, and to strengthen my faith in God. I will continue to acknowledge God’s presence and walk with Him.

— Katherine Heng Tok Heng (Baptism)


God's omnipresence in my life was something I chose to downplay for a long time. I grew up in a catholic primary school as a prayer leader, drifted from him as I transitioned into secular secondary/tertiary education and found myself increasingly lost. When friends did bring me to church, I had fleeting moments of enlightenment and closeness to him, but it was never the everlasting peace and steadfastness I so desperately sought.  

Only in retrospect do I realise that I felt that way because I was never there to worship with a whole heart, to accept his love and salvation with true faith. There was immense idolatry in my life - it was a constant pursuit of performance, material comforts and perhaps of power. And for what purpose? None of this would matter on my death bed and I was acutely aware of how futile my efforts were - I was working to please fellow men, never to please the Lord. 

Looking back, he was always there. He was there to answer all my flippant prayers for help in times of distress, and to show me his grace through the kindness of fellow Christians. He was there when I prayed to find direction/to find a calling in life, to find a place in medical school, to be brought to work that was meaningful and fruitful, to find love and forgiveness. In all rejection (whether it was failure at work or in relationships or at home), he was there to lend me his light.  

The Lord never forsook me; I was the forsaker. There was a lot I was disgruntled by and ungrateful for, that I still continue to discover and amend. The past year has been a long hard look at my flawed existence and all the sin/false worship my life has been shrouded in, and what truly matters at the end of this road - our love for God, and the good work we may do in his glory within the confines of our mortality. This life on earth should be lived to sanctify his name, and may there be a day when he comes to cleanse us of all sin and wipe away all tears. May he take me in his hands, and mould me into an entity whole and beautiful again. 

— Flora Xu Wen Xin (Baptism)  


I had the privilege of being born and raised in a Christian family but growing up, I was a “lukewarm Christian” most of my life. It took me years to admit it, but my faith wasn’t based on a true belief, but an inherited one – I was a Christian because my parents and my wider family were. I followed religious practices like prayer and honoring the Sabbath more from habit than from heartfelt intent, and while I did recognize Jesus as my Lord and Saviour, this belief was more by default than choice, given that Christianity was the sole spiritual path I had been shown. In short, I believed but was not convicted. 

As I matured and attended a school that focused on scientific research, I embraced the principles of empirical evidence and scientific inquiry in my daily life, valuing the substantiation of facts through solid, rigorous proof. This approach inevitably led to a questioning of my religious foundations, especially since I was often told that science and religion were incompatible. Moreover, the church I previously attended was also not able to provide a satisfactory answer where I recall a sermon on how Christianity was a “pseudoscience” that deals with what is spiritual and hence, one could never successfully apply Science to it. This perspective felt somewhat dismissive to me and seemed like a convenient way to sidestep difficult topics that questions one’s beliefs. As such, I embarked on my own unbiased exploration of Christianity and other religions, seeking evidence both for and against my beliefs. What this quest revealed to me was the substantial amount of historical evidence supporting biblical events. Additionally, where Science seemed to contradict Scripture, I noticed a trend through the decades where scientific doubt often evolved to align more closely with biblical narratives as technology advanced, breathing life into a popular quote I had known, “Science advances by a process of conjectures and refutations. A scientific theory is right only until it’s proven wrong”. This realization allowed me to not only observe the complementary relationship between Science and Faith, but it had also allowed me to marvel at the complexities of our universe with a newfound appreciation, for the level of precision that dictates the systems of our world simply could not have come into being without the hand of a Creator.  

While that affirmed my belief, true conviction came only a few years later when I felt the hand of God directing the story of my life. God had shut doors in areas of my life I desperately knocked and opened others I couldn’t have reached on my own. It was only on hindsight that I could see how these were all done for the best, something I would not have been able to orchestrate for myself even if I tried which revealed to me how my life was better trusted in His hands than my own. Beyond that, it was by God’s grace was I able to reach the peak in numerous aspects of my life, be it academically, professionally, or socially, only to realize at the top of my own Everest how meaningless and empty these achievements felt. Slowly but surely, I began to pray everyday not out of routine, but out of a desire to speak to Him and hear from Him. I began to read and study the Bible, not as a ritual, but as a seeker of truth. The true moment of salvation for me was not dramatic nor sudden, but a gradual awakening informed by the events of my life, and now I can confidently say that my faith is my own. Though I am still learning and questioning, I am at peace, walking with the One whose promises are steadfast, and I eagerly anticipate the rest of my journey as a committed believer and child of God.

— Gabrielle Soh Pao Pei (Transfer)


“The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise”. This verse in Psalm 51:17 brought me to my knees to pray to God to rebuild my faith and commitment to Him. 

I was born into a Taoist family with parents who taught me good and traditional values like honesty, hard work and filial piety. I first heard the gospel when I was in secondary school. A friend shared with me from a tract entitled “The 4 Spiritual Laws”, and I readily accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour and Lord. It was during this period when there was also the Billy Graham Crusade “I found it'' campaign and the nation of Singapore was buzzing with evangelistic vibes. I was glad to be part of all this. I then joined the Navigators, a parachurch group and attended their Bible study and fellowship meetings. I went on to join a church and was baptized in March 1985.  

After graduating from junior college, I went on to join the Institute of Education and became a primary school teacher. I got married in church and gave birth to two boys. Looking back, I believe I was only a church goer and had not fully understood salvation and God’s will.  I eventually left church altogether. Everything appeared alright on the surface. I was working hard, juggling the demands of work and family. In 1997, my family and I applied to emigrate to Australia and we were overjoyed when we got it. In 1999, we packed our bags and left for Perth. Up to that point, all that had happened in my life and that of my family seemed blissful and smooth sailing to me and all those around me. My friends were envious that we could escape the rat-race in Singapore and move to greener pastures. Many would add that life in Australia would be positive for family time. I agreed and thought it was a lucky escape for me. We bought a house in Australia and settled down. The children went to an Australian school and life was stress-free, not having to cope with Singapore’s Primary 3 streaming and PSLE. We enjoyed our new life-style very much. Nothing wrong with all these, I thought. 

But alas, where is God in all that was happening in my life?  As a family we don’t even pray anymore. I just went ahead and did what I wanted. There were warning signs of danger as I looked back. However, either I was blinded or chose to ignore them. My family and I had certainly fallen into carnality. I had backslidden so much that God seemed to be out of sight. But our loving God has not finished with me yet. He did not allow me to carry on sinning and living in darkness. Through a series of events, He brought my family and me to our knees on one cold, wintry night. I was broken. I cried to the Lord and asked Him to forgive me for all my sins. Since then, I felt a great sense of God’s presence and love in my household. From that night onwards, everything that the Bible teaches came alive. Ps 51:17 rang loudly in my heart.  

Fast forward to 2011, we returned to Singapore for our two sons who turned 18 and 21 that year to serve their National Service and claim back their Singapore citizenship. Both my husband and I also found employment. Since then we have stayed till this day. I have many regrets about my past. Though we faced many consequences as a result of our sins, God has helped us to overcome them one by one.  He has been so good to us ever since He brought us back into His fold again. I have just retired this year and I look forward to the day when I can see my Saviour and Lord face to face. Amen.

— Evelyn Goh Lee Hwa (Transfer) 


My life before I was saved:

I felt far from God due to Primary School Leaving Examinations, I had tuition every Sunday. Therefore, I was not able to attend church. Instead, I watched the church service online on my phone.  Often, I was distracted during the service. I would play with my toys and would not be able to focus, which led to my mother taking my toys away whenever I was watching the service on the phone. 

After my PSLE ended, I was able to attend the church. During church, I also fidgeted during the service and sometimes, I try to make excuses to prevent going to church. I love to stay at home so most of the time I watched the service on the phone. 

The turning point in my life:

I found out that the church service I had was Catholic as the church had statues and worshipped Jesus and Mother Mary.  I transferred from Church of Our Lady Queen of Peace to Life Bible-Presbyterian Church. I learnt about God and the Bible. Sometimes I fell asleep in church for a little while. I was baptised in this church when I was a year old. I attended the church service weekly, but I was not listening attentively. This was until my father signed me up for catechism class where I would reaffirm my faith to God. 

My life after I was saved:

During catechism class, I learnt more about God and his creation. For example, God created man to have freedom and responsibility. I am thankful for God has saved me.

— Bertrand Meir Wibowo (Reaffirmation)


I was born into a Christian family, and was baptised in Christ as an infant in Life Bible-Presbyterian Church. Over my childhood, I learned about Christ in Sunday school and listened to biblical videos telling me to trust in Jesus to go to heaven. I always knew that I sinned against God constantly and that I needed to stop. 

However, my motivations to follow Christ were wrong. I did it because my parents told me to, which made me obey only mechanically or grudgingly, and because I wanted to go to heaven. The message of salvation was getting thrown at me from my teachers and from my parents, and all I wanted was to be saved and not be punished for my sins.  

Falling into a pattern of regular attendance made me feel as though God was a part of my life. In my comprehension, getting to heaven was simple and straightforward. Not going to hell was my drive to continue to obey God. 

As I entered my teenage years, I began to struggle with less tangible problems. I felt like a false believer, one who only wanted to avoid going to the hell everybody was talking about and would end up there anyway, and became less sure of my salvation.  

Joining the Lively Teens Fellowship, I noticed a difference in my intake of the messages in learning Sunday school. After message discussions, people closer to my age with similar experiences would advise me on how to deal with problems I struggled with. I learned that my walk with God was not just servitude, it had to resemble a close relationship, one where I shared with him my problems, but also to thank him for blessing me and being there to talk to, because God loved me enough to message me about salvation. Alongside the fact that my God is holy and that I constantly offended him by directly disobeying his directions for me, I felt that I was contradicting my own actions by swinging between sin and perfunctory repentance. This was where I knew that the sinful actions I did needed to stop.  

However, I know that there will be times when I need to check myself before I fall back into sin. Logically, there will be more than one turning point in my life, when I examine myself and see that subtle temptations have made me idolise myself before God. When nobody holds me accountable, I know that I must prioritise God's instruction before my own actions in order to run the race in the way God has taught me to.

— Peter Sam Chow Tian An (Reaffirmation)


Appointments for the Week

Monday, Apr 1

        7.30 pm     ERBL: OT Prophetic Books (Rev Charles Seet)

Tuesday, Apr 2

        8.00 pm     Prayer Meeting (Dn Russell Indran)

Thursday, Mar 4

      10.00 am     Ladies’ Prayer Group

        7.30 pm     ERBL: Bible Geography (Ms Lilian Lee)

Saturday, Apr 6

        3.00 pm     LTF / YLM

Sunday, Apr 7

  8.00 am Jesus our King-Priest Zechariah 6:1-15 (Rev Quek Keng Khwang)

  8.00 am Choir Practice

  9.15 am Library (Sanctuary Balcony)

  9.40 am Sunday School / Catechism Class

10.15 am Coffee Corner

11.00 am Jesus our King-Priest Zechariah 6:1-15 (Rev Quek Keng Khwang with Holy Communion)

11.00 am Children’s Ministry

11.00 am Chinese Service (MPH)

11.00 am Filipina Service (Rm 1-6)

12.15 pm Library (Sanctuary Balcony)

  2.30 pm Thai Service (LMH)

  4.00 pm Indonesian Service (Rm 1-6)



Life BPC Job Vacancy

Estate Management Officer (EMO)


EMO plans, oversees and coordinates all property management and preventive maintenance activities associated for the church premises. Coordinates facilities usage for a range of Church activities and Church’s authorized users using the premises. The EMO reports to the Church Operation Manager.


  • Diploma or equivalent
  • 5 years’ experience in real estate management and maintenance
  • Certification in real estate management and maintenance is an added advantage
  • Lifers are preferred 

Candidates with relevant qualifications and experience may submit your application and CV to the Church Operations Manager at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We regret that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.


Staff Movement

We welcome sis Joelle (Children's Ministry) and sis Amanda (Senior Administrative Executive) to serve in our church with effect from 1 April 2024.


Coffee Corner will be closed on Easter Sunday (today) and ACM (28 Apr).


Parking Arrangements

For the Easter service today at 9am, please note the special parking arrangement to facilitate the brunch after service: 

  • Main sanctuary and Beulah parking for those staying for lunch only.
  • ⁠Please park outside or at Kai for those not staying for lunch. Please only park in designated areas in Kai to avoid misunderstanding with Kai Management. 

Please note that parking is permitted along single yellow lines on Sundays and Public Holidays. 

Appreciate everyone’s patience and cooperation and we will do our best to find parking space for all. 

Parking is also available at Revenue House (RH).

Please contact Bro Kelvin or Dn Chan Yong if you need ferry service from RH to church.


Traffic Warden Service

We welcome all church members to join in this work. Our TW’s role is to provide godly service to facilitate worship. We need help in following time slots for Sunday: 7.30-8am or 10.30-11am with a frequency of once or twice a month. Please contact Dn Chan Yong or Bro Kelvin.


Holy Communion Elements Preparation

Lifers are invited to serve in the Holy Communion elements preparation, clean-up and washing. Those interested may contact Jenny or Wendy .


In-Person Church Prayer Meeting

(Every 1st Sunday of the Month)

Date:        7 April 2024 (Sun)

Time:        5:00 PM

Venue: Beulah Room 2-1


Seminar: Pornography & Sexual Lusts

Date: 6 April 2024

Time: 2-6.30 pm (followed by dinner)

Venue: Beulah MPH

Register at https://forms.gle/Kf1aZefXGTvU3ojFA


Seniors Fellowship Seminar: Bones of Contention: Osteoporosis

Date: 27 April 2024

Time: 4-6 pm (followed by dinner)

Venue: Beulah MPH

Register at https://lifebpc.com/sfseminar


Vacation Bible School (VBS) is back!

Theme: Champions for God
Date: 29 May - 31 May 2024 

Calling all children aged 4-12 years old (N2-P6)! Registration for Vacation Bible School is now open! Registration deadline: 14 April 2024 

Lifers needed for the available areas of service: Teaching, Logistics, Craft, Games, F&B and Traffic/Security.  

Register now at lifebpc.com/vbs  

For further enquiries, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Church Camp 2024

will be held from 10 June to 14 June (Mon to Fri) at Resorts World Awana, Malaysia. 

Speaker: Pastor Tan Soon Yong

Theme: Truth Matters

Registration for Church Camp 2024 is now open. You may go to the church's website at www.lifebpc.com/church-camp-2024 to register online. Availability will be on a first come first served basis. Please do register early! If you require assistance, please contact Josiah Seah at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  

From our Church camp speaker: 

Truth Matters; but as Pontus Pilate once asked in vexed perplexity, “What is truth?” (Jn 18:38). 

God Himself asserts, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” (Jer 17:9); but do we realise just how sly and cunning our hearts are within us? 

In my short time in Gospel ministry, I have been stunned by how often it is precisely those who know the truth who are living a lie. It seems so illogical, so unreasonable. But Christ warned in another context: for some who consider themselves “children of the kingdom … there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” (Mt 8:12). 

It is seldom an intellectual error that leads us into moral wickedness – it is almost always fleshly lust. Proverbs 1:7 plainly says, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge”. Yet, so many who profess (or even preach) Christ are content to go about their daily lives without the slightest fear of God, but will stubbornly insist that they are rich in knowledge of God. 

To be rooted in truth, one must live in obedience to the truth one already knows. Our Master said, “For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.” (Mt 25:29). 

I did not write this to get you to sign up for this year’s church camp. I write to urge you to come to camp broken and contrite, fearfully and prayerfully. And do be in earnest prayer for yourself, for your brethren, and (if you would be so kind) for the speaker.




Contact Us

  • Phone / Whatsapp: 65 6594 9399
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Our Location

  • 9A Gilstead Road Singapore 309063
  • Mailing Add: 10 Gilstead Road Singapore 309064